The relationship between the CEO and a chief of staff is like a marriage.

It’s a highly relational working partnership that has all the ebbs and flows of a spousal union. You have to like each other, respect each other, and trust each other. But know that just as with any close relationship, you will get on one another’s nerves from time to time.

Your union will be intimate and irritating all at the same time.

How is this relationship to be managed?

  1. Make sure you like and respect each other. Otherwise, you’re in for a long road!
  2. Remember that, just like in any relationship, trust is built slowly and over time. Don’t force it. Instead, earn it with small, productive steps forward.
  3. Be honest and candid with one another. A problem can’t be solved unless it’s mutually understood.
  4. Establish the chief of staff’s scope of authority. Chief of staff…live within that authority. And if you want more, earn it.
  5. Don’t undermine one another. That only weakens you both. (Think parenting…kids look for the weakest link. Be strong together. Even if you don’t agree, never let it show.)

CEO and chief of staff partnerships that fail to do these things well will quickly fall apart.

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